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广州市市场监督管理局 广州市财政局关于印发广州市质量发展与标准化战略专项资金管理办法的通知(英文版)

发布日期: 2024-08-30 来源: 广州市市场监督管理局 字体大小:

Notice of Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration and Guangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau on the Issuance of the Administrative Measures for the Special Funds for Quality Development and Standardization Strategy of Guangzhou

All district people’s governments and related institutions:

  The Administrative Measures for the Special Funds for Quality Development and Standardization Strategy of Guangzhou are hereby issued for your due implementation. Any problems encountered during implementation should be reported to Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration.

Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration

Guangzhou Municipal Finance Bureau

July 11, 2024

Administrative Measures for the Special Funds for Quality Development and Standardization Strategy of Guangzhou

Chapter I General Provisions

  Article 1 To advance Guangzhou’s quality development and standardization strategies, these Measures are established to standardize the use, supervision, and management of the special funds for quality development and standardization. The formulation is in accordance with the Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Product Quality Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Budget Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Outline to Building China into a Strong Nation in Quality Development, the Outline of National Standardization Development, the Regulations on Standardization in Guangdong Province, the Outline for Building Guangdong into a Strong Province in Quality Development, the Administrative Measures for the Review of Mayor’s Quality Award of Guangzhou (Sui Fu Ban Gui [2023] No. 13), and the Administrative Measures for Municipal Special Financial Funds in Guangzhou (Sui Fu Ban Han [2020] No. 12), among other relevant regulations and requirements, tailored to the actual conditions in Guangzhou.

  Article 2 The special funds for quality development and standardization strategy (hereinafter referred to as “special funds”) are categorized into two types: quality development funds and standardization strategy funds. Quality development funds are allocated from the municipal budget to support organizations and individuals who have received government quality awards. Standardization strategy funds, also drawn from the municipal budget, are designated to support enterprises, public institutions, and other organizations leading the development and revision of standards, undertaking standardization organization projects, standardization pilot projects, standardization research projects, standardization technical support projects, and standardization activity projects, as well as those recognized with standardization contribution awards.

  Article 3 These Measures apply to all activities related to the application, acceptance, review, use, and management of the special funds.

  Article 4 The use and management of the special funds must follow the principles of “legal compliance, transparency, fairness, encouragement of excellence, standardized management, concentration on performance, and enhanced supervision” to maximize the effectiveness of financial funds in guiding and stimulating development.

  Article 5 The purpose of the special funds is to support the implementation of Guangzhou’s quality development and standardization strategies. These funds aim to strengthen the government’s quality incentive system, accelerate the development of a standards framework that drives the city’s high-quality growth, advance comprehensive standardization efforts, and enhance the role of standardization in fostering economic and social development.

  Article 6 Applicants shall submit materials in accordance with these Measures and the application guides, ensuring the authenticity, legality, validity, and completeness of their submissions. Fraudulent activities or misappropriation to obtain special funds are prohibited. Fund recipients are responsible for the proper use of funds and project implementation, must strengthen financial management, and are required to cooperate with market regulatory authorities during inspections and performance evaluations. Applicants must undertake to use the funds exclusively for quality development and standardization purposes. Any false reporting or fraudulent activities will result in a five-year suspension of eligibility for the special funds.

  Article 7 Funding will not be provided, and any funds already disbursed will be reclaimed under any of the following circumstances:

  (1) The applicant obtains the funds through fraudulent means, bribery, or other improper practices.

  (2) The project has been submitted for the special funds by multiple parties or through duplicate applications.

  (3) The applicant has already applied for or received equivalent funding at the district level.

  (4) The project has received other municipal special funds.

  (5) The applicant, whether an organization or individual, is listed as an entity or individual with serious acts of bad faith.

  (6) The application fails to meet the requirements set forth in these Measures and the application guides.

Chapter II Quality Development Funds

  Article 8 The quality development funds are designated for projects that have received government quality awards, including the China Quality Award, the China Quality Award Nomination Award, the Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, and the Guangzhou Mayor’s Quality Award. The evaluation of projects winning the Guangzhou Mayor’s Quality Award will be conducted in accordance with the Administrative Measures for the Review of Mayor’s Quality Award of Guangzhou (Sui Fu Ban Gui [2023] No. 13).

  Article 9 Organizations and individuals engaged in production and business activities within the administrative region of Guangzhou, who have received government quality awards, may apply for the special fund support in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Measures.

  Article 10 The allocation of quality development funds shall adhere to the following conditions and standards:

  (1) For recipients of the China Quality Award, the awarded organization and individual will receive funding of RMB 500,000 and RMB 150,000, respectively, for their quality efforts.

  (2) For recipients of the China Quality Award Nomination Award, the awarded organization and individual will receive funding of RMB 300,000 and RMB 100,000, respectively, for their quality efforts.

  (3) For recipients of the Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, the awarded organization and individual will receive funding of RMB 300,000 and RMB 100,000, respectively, for their quality efforts.

  (4) For recipients of the Guangzhou Mayor’s Quality Award, the awarded organization and individual will receive funding of RMB 1,000,000 and RMB 250,000, respectively, for their quality efforts.

  Article 11 Following the announcements of the China Quality Award, the China Quality Award Nomination Award, and the Guangdong Provincial Government Quality Award, as well as the release of the Guangzhou Mayor’s Quality Award results, the municipal market regulatory department will organize the application process for quality development funds. The department will issue an annual application guide detailing the conditions, requirements, and deadlines for application.

Chapter III Standardization Strategy Funds

  Article 12 The standardization strategy funds apply to the following types of projects:

  (1) Standards development and revision projects;

  (2) Standardization organization projects;

  (3) Standardization pilot projects;

  (4) Standardization research projects;

  (5) Standardization technical support projects;

  (6) Standardization activity projects;

  (7) Standardization contribution projects.

  Article 13 Enterprises, public institutions, and other organizations (excluding fully government-funded entities) that are legally engaged in production, business, or other activities within the administrative region of Guangzhou and meet the scope and conditions set forth in these Measures may apply for the special fund support in accordance with the relevant provisions.

  Article 14 For standards development and revision projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  (1) For leading the development of international standards, funding of up to RMB 500,000 per project will be provided; for leading the revision of international standards, funding of up to RMB 250,000 per project will be provided.

  (2) For leading the development of national standards, funding of up to RMB 200,000 per project will be provided.

  (3) For leading the development of industry standards, funding of up to RMB 100,000 per project will be provided.

  (4) For leading the development of Guangzhou local standards, funding of up to RMB 100,000 per project will be provided.

  The total funding for standards development and revision projects received by an organization in one year shall not exceed 7% of the gross standardization strategy funds allocated for standards development and revision in Guangzhou for that year.

  Organizations that draft international standards whose proposals are adopted as core content, or whose staff serve as the conveners or project leaders of the international standard working groups, will be recognized as the leading organizations for the development and revision of international standards.

  The organization listed as the first drafting entity in a standard document will be recognized as the leading organization for the development of national, industry, or local standards. If the drafting entities are not specified in the standard document, the issuing or competent authority of the standard shall provide certification that the organization is the primary lead in the standard’s development.

  Article 15 For standardization organization projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  (1) Organizations that manage the technical committee (TC) secretariats, subcommittee (SC) secretariats, or national mirror committee (NMC) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), or International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will receive funding of RMB 300,000, RMB 200,000, and RMB 150,000, respectively.

  (2) Organizations that manage national standardization TC secretariats and SC secretariats will receive funding of RMB 200,000 and RMB 100,000, respectively.

  (3) Organizations that manage Guangdong provincial standardization TC secretariats will receive funding of RMB 50,000.

  Article 16 For standardization pilot projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  Organizations that undertake national standardization pilot projects established by the administrative department for standardization under the State Council or jointly with other administrative departments under the State Council, which complete the project as required and pass the acceptance inspection, will receive funding of RMB 200,000 per project.

  Organizations that manage national standard verification points or statistical analysis points for the implementation of national mandatory standards will receive funding of RMB 200,000 per point.

  Enterprises that are recognized for the first time as a standard innovation-type enterprise (advanced) will receive funding of RMB 100,000 per enterprise. The total funding allocated for standard innovation-type enterprises (advanced) will not exceed RMB 500,000 annually. If the number of eligible enterprises exceeds five in a year, the total amount of RMB 500,000 will be evenly distributed among the qualifying enterprises.

  Article 17 For standardization research projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  Organizations that undertake Guangzhou municipal standardization research projects (including projects addressing technical trade measures), solicited by the municipal market regulatory department, which are approved after expert evaluation and pass the acceptance inspection, will receive funding of up to RMB 300,000 per project.

  Article 18 For standardization technical support projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  As solicited by the municipal market regulatory department, organizations that undertake projects related to standardization talent cultivation or the promotion of international standards, which are approved after expert evaluation and pass the acceptance inspection, will receive funding of up to RMB 500,000 per project.

  Article 19 For standardization activity projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  As solicited by the municipal market regulatory department, organizations that host major international or national standardization events in Guangzhou, which are approved after expert evaluation and pass the acceptance inspection, will receive funding of up to RMB 100,000 per event. The funding amount shall not exceed 50% of the total event costs borne by the organizer.

  Article 20 For standardization contribution projects, fund allocation shall be based on the following conditions and standards:

  (1) Organizations whose employees receive awards such as the ISO Award for Higher Education in Standardization, ISO Lawrence D. Eicher Award, ISO Excellence Award, ISO Next Generation Award, IEC Lord Kelvin Award, IEC Thomas A. Edison Award, IEC 1906 Award, or IEC Young Professional, will receive funding of RMB 100,000 per award.

  (2) Organizations that are among the top five primary contributors to a project winning the China Standard Innovation and Contribution Award (Standard Project Award) and meet the funding criteria will receive funding of RMB 100,000 per award.

  Article 21 After soliciting standardization research, standardization technical support, and standardization activity projects, the municipal market regulatory department will organize an expert panel to evaluate the projects based on their legality, necessity, feasibility, scientific soundness, budgetary reasonableness, and the capacity of the implementing organization. The expert panel must consist of no fewer than five members.

  Based on expert evaluations and the needs of Guangzhou’s standardization efforts, the municipal market regulatory department will make collective decisions regarding the proposed projects and the implementing organizations. The proposed projects and organizations will be publicly announced on the official website for no less than five working days. After the public announcement period, the municipal market regulatory department will issue project charter to the implementing organizations.

  The implementing organizations must carry out the relevant work as outlined in the project charters and, upon completion, request acceptance inspection from the municipal market regulatory department. The department will organize an expert panel, which shall consist of no fewer than five members, to conduct the acceptance inspection.

  Article 22 When allocating standardization strategy funds, priority will be given to standardization organization projects, pilot projects, and contribution projects based on fixed amounts. Next, funds will be allocated to standardization research projects and standardization technical support projects based on the amounts determined through project evaluation. Subsequently, funds for activity projects will be allocated based on evaluation results and actual expenditures. Any remaining funds will be allocated to standards development and revision projects.

  Article 23 The municipal market regulatory department is responsible for issuing the annual application guides for standardization strategy funds. These guides must specify the conditions, requirements, and deadlines for fund applications. The department is also in charge of managing the funds, including soliciting projects, accepting applications, organizing expert evaluations, publicizing projects, preparing budget requests, developing fund allocation plans, conducting project performance evaluations, and ensuring information transparency.

  Article 24 Organizations eligible for standardization strategy funding must submit their applications within the deadlines specified in the application guides. Late submissions will be considered forfeitures of the right to apply.

  Article 25 A single project can only be submitted by one organization and can only receive funding once.

  Article 26 The district market regulatory departments in the applicant organization’s jurisdiction shall conduct preliminary reviews of the application materials. Applications meeting the criteria will be recommended to the municipal market regulatory department.

  Article 27 The allocation of standardization strategy funds will be determined through a combination of expert evaluations and collective administrative decisions. The municipal market regulatory department will organize an expert panel to evaluate the projects recommended by district market regulatory departments. Staff from the organizations applying for projects in the current year are prohibited to serve as experts or participate in the evaluation process. The municipal market regulatory department will use the expert panel’s evaluations as the major basis for comprehensive project review, and will propose a fund allocation plan for the standardization strategy funds. The final plan will be determined through collective decision-making.

  Article 28 If necessary, the municipal market regulatory department may delegate routine tasks related to project review to professional institutions, research institutes, or intermediary organizations. Delegated entities are not allowed to apply for funding in the current year.

  Article 29 Except for cases where confidentiality is required by regulations, the standardization strategy fund allocation plan will be publicly announced for five working days. If any organization or individual has objections to the public announcement, they may submit a written request for review to the municipal market regulatory department, clearly stating the review content, reasons, and supporting evidence for the request. The municipal market regulatory department must complete the review and respond to the applicant within 10 working days upon receiving the request.

Chapter IV Fund Disbursement and Management

  Article 30 The special funds will be disbursed in a one-off manner by the municipal market regulatory department in accordance with the relevant regulations.

  Article 31 Except for information subject to confidentiality requirements, details related to the special funds will be disclosed by the municipal market regulatory department in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Measures for Municipal Special Financial Funds in Guangzhou (Sui Fu Ban Han [2020] No. 12).

  Article 32 The special funds are subject to performance evaluation. The municipal finance department will organize and implement performance evaluations of the special funds as required, while the municipal market regulatory department will conduct self-assessments of the funds’ performance. The results of these evaluations will be used to enhance fund management. Funded organizations and individuals must cooperate with the municipal market regulatory department in conducting performance evaluations of the funded projects.

  Article 33 The management of the special funds is governed by a responsibility and accountability mechanism. Any illegal or disciplinary actions occurring during the management or use of the special funds will be addressed in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

  Article 34 For the purpose of these Measures, the term “international standards” used herein refers to the international standards issued by ISO, IEC, and ITU, as well as those recognized by the Measures for the Administration of Adoption of International Standards.

  Article 35 These Measures shall come into effect from the date of issuance and will remain in force for five years. The Notice of Guangzhou Municipal Market Regulatory Administration on the Issuance of the Administrative Measures for the Special Funds for Quality Development and Standardization Strategyof Guangzhou (Sui Shi Jian Gui Zi [2020] No. 2) shall be repealed simultaneously.

  Chinese version:广州市市场监督管理局 广州市财政局关于印发广州市质量发展与标准化战略专项资金管理办法的通知


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